Part 1 - Day 5

Read Exodus 13:17-14:31.

Pharoah’s heart is finally softened, and he has allowed the Israelites to go worship God after the
10th plague that brought the death of all firstborn Egyptian males. As God leads the Israelites
out of Egypt, rather than taking the shortest route out through the Philistine country He takes
them around on the desert road toward the Red Sea.

As they approach the Red Sea, God commands them to camp near Pi Hahiroth. Long story short,
camping here would make it look to Pharoah like there were trapped and had nowhere to go if
he pursued them. They couldn’t run into the sea and swim away; they wouldn’t be able to
outrun the Egyptian chariots through the desert. They would be in a totally vulnerable situation
and yet here is what God tells them while they camp here.

The Israelites begin to realize the impossible situation they are in and they cry out to the Lord.
“Did you bring us out of Egypt just to be killed by the Egyptian army?”, “Where will we go?”,
“Better to just surrender now, than try to fight”. Moses then answers the people in Exodus 14.

Exodus 14:13-14
“Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance
the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never
see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.””

As this chapter wraps up, we see that Moses raises his staff towards the Red Sea and it splits.
The Israelites cross the Red Sea and as the Egyptians pursue them, the Red Sea crashes down on
them and destroys them. God wins the battle for the Israelites, just as He said that He would.
Have you ever felt like you were in a war that left you feeling powerless? Maybe you faced
bullying every day at school and there was no way out or you felt totally powerless over the
negative thoughts that consumed your mind.

No matter what the battle is, your weapon is God. He is fighting for you. Simply trust in Him and
allow Him to guide you. Too often, we try to take our battles into our own hands while we have
a God that wants to fight our battles for us. The ultimate proof of this is the cross. While we
were in an impossible situation, facing spiritual death because of sin, Jesus offered us life
through his death and resurrection. We have no way of rescuing ourself, trusting in Him is the
only way to save us. Whatever battle you are facing today, trust in the Lord, let Him guide you
and fight your battles for you.

Questions to consider.
1. How have you seen the Lord fight for you? Just like He did for the Israelites when He split
the Red Sea?

2. How do you find yourself trying to take matters into your own hands rather than trusting
the Lord?

3. Take a moment and reflect on the impossible situation you were in before Jesus, facing
death because of your sin with no way out. Thank Him for His sacrifice that saved you
when you were in a helpless position.