Why do we give?
God has told us in his word to give sacrificially, knowing that where our treasure is, that is also where our heart is (Matthew 6:21, Luke 12:24).
We also see in God’s word that money is a number one competitor for our hearts (Matthew 6:24) and giving to HIS church allows us to demonstrate that we love Him more than the blessings he has given us.
Lastly we believe that Christians should be number one in the category of generosity (2 Corinthians 9:6-11). There is no other cause to be more generous to than what God is building, which is the church (Matthew 16:18).
We also see in God’s word that money is a number one competitor for our hearts (Matthew 6:24) and giving to HIS church allows us to demonstrate that we love Him more than the blessings he has given us.
Lastly we believe that Christians should be number one in the category of generosity (2 Corinthians 9:6-11). There is no other cause to be more generous to than what God is building, which is the church (Matthew 16:18).
Ways To Give
Give In Person
You can give your tithe and offerings on Sunday mornings at our community table in the lobby, or in the ushers buckets as you leave the auditorium.
Give Online
You can also give by clicking on the link below to give safely and securely online.
Text the amount you would like to give to the number "84321"
Mail It In
You can also mail in your tithe and offering at any time by sending it to our address at 4150 Bayswater Rd. Winterville, NC 28590