Exodus Week 6 Day 27
Read Exodus 29:42-46
Something as simple as special plates can completely change the atmosphere of a meal. For example, you know it’s a special occasion when Grandma’s china is on the table. When that’s out, you know this isn’t an ordinary dinner.
In Exodus 29 and Exodus 30, God explains how He wants the Israelites to be set apart and special. He gives specific instructions on everything from what the priests should wear and how they offer sacrifices, to how to make anointing oil and incense for worship. God wanted the Israelites to understand that in order to come into His presence, there were expectations of purity and reverence.
Though Christians today don’t need to follow these rules (Hebrews 10:1-10), we are still called to live in a way that is set apart and different. When we consider how merciful God has been to us, we respond by offering our lives as a “living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God” (Romans 12:1). We do this by showing compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, by loving people like Jesus loved people (John 13:35 and Colossians 3:12).
Few people remember everyday meals, but the meals shared on Grandma’s china tend to stand out from the rest. In the same way, our lives leave a memorable impression on those around us when we love like Jesus.
Do you live differently because of your relationship with Jesus? Why or why not?
What is one area of your life you can change to set you apart from your coworkers, classmates or friends?
Something as simple as special plates can completely change the atmosphere of a meal. For example, you know it’s a special occasion when Grandma’s china is on the table. When that’s out, you know this isn’t an ordinary dinner.
In Exodus 29 and Exodus 30, God explains how He wants the Israelites to be set apart and special. He gives specific instructions on everything from what the priests should wear and how they offer sacrifices, to how to make anointing oil and incense for worship. God wanted the Israelites to understand that in order to come into His presence, there were expectations of purity and reverence.
Though Christians today don’t need to follow these rules (Hebrews 10:1-10), we are still called to live in a way that is set apart and different. When we consider how merciful God has been to us, we respond by offering our lives as a “living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God” (Romans 12:1). We do this by showing compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, by loving people like Jesus loved people (John 13:35 and Colossians 3:12).
Few people remember everyday meals, but the meals shared on Grandma’s china tend to stand out from the rest. In the same way, our lives leave a memorable impression on those around us when we love like Jesus.
Do you live differently because of your relationship with Jesus? Why or why not?
What is one area of your life you can change to set you apart from your coworkers, classmates or friends?