Exodus Week 6 Day 28

Read Exodus 31:3-6

You were designed to make a difference. God’s plans for His church are simple yet so detailed, and each of us play a part in how it all comes together.
In Exodus 31, God gave abilities to His people in order to achieve various tasks. Some were skilled in stone cutting, others in building, others in sewing. In the same way, we all have a part in how the church functions. 1 Corinthians 12:11 says, “God distributes His gifts to each believer, just as He determines.”

Some teach children, while others encourage students. Some set the environment for a church service; others preach and lead us in song. Some of us heal with medicine, while others heal through prayer. Every spiritual gift is an act of service, an act of love. We are all building blocks that, when put together, accomplish God’s purpose of making Jesus known.

So how do we know what our gifts are? How do we know where we fit in? The answer is found in one word—yes. Be open to God’s direction. Saying “yes” to Him opens opportunities to serve. Instead of trying to figure out how God wants to use you, the best way to discover your role in the church is to simply begin serving others.

What’s one area of your life where you struggle with saying “yes” to God?

What are your spiritual gifts? Not sure? Consider this: What brings you joy? What comes easily to you?