Watch the Announcement...
We could not be more excited to announce Ignite's new expansion project to add more kids classrooms, add more than two hundred parking spots, and give us a great secondary entrance. We are sure you may have more questions about this project so we encourage you to watch the video above as Pastor Jason and Pastor Jake explain the details about this project and what it means for our church family. Also below are some frequently asked questions we have gotten so far to help as well.
F. A. Q.
Here are some of the frequent questions we have gotten so far...
How long will this project take?
Overall it is projected to be a ten month project. With that said, projects like this are always subject to change with elements like weather, and material availability sometimes extending timelines.
Will this hurt the church financially especially with covid?
In short, no. God has blessed our church. Also due to the current low interest rates we are going to be able to consolidate the debt of our building and the entire project will only increase our monthly mortgage payment by about $1000 a month.
What about Ignite Kids during the project?
The project will not effect the Ignite Kids experience on Sunday mornings in any way. Our kids will be perfectly safe as we begin the project through its completion. All Ignite Kids Sunday morning experiences will continue as normal.
Is there going to be a capital campaign to raise money?
No! Praise Jesus! We are able to do this expansion project without the need for a capital campaign due to the generosity of our church, the wise stewardship of our leadership, and ultimately the blessing of God.