Part 2 - Day 5
Read Exodus 34:29-35
Even though Moses wasn’t perfect, he was a man that genuinely feared God. He honored God and sought after Him with his whole life, even when the Israelites got it wrong so often. There is much to be learned from Moses’ life and today, we get a glimpse into his relationship with God. A relationship that was separate from the way any of the other Israelites interacted with God. He had chosen Moses to be a mouthpiece for Him and to intercede between Him and the Israelites, and while that role carried a huge burden and responsibility, it also carried the blessing of knowing and speaking with God in a deeper and more intimate way than the other Israelites.
Exodus 34:29
“When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord.”
Moses had spent so much time on Mount Sinai with God that as he came down, he was literally glowing…verse 29 tells us that his face was radiant. So radiant in fact, that the other Israelites were terrified of Moses. Can you even imagine what that would have looked like? To spend so much time with God that as you walk away, His glory is radiating off your face in such a way that other people fear you.
There is a great reminder of how important it is for you to spend time with Jesus every day. We are always consuming something, from music, to movies, opinions from others around us, and so much more. These things are always directing who you are becoming. Maybe you’ve noticed that hanging out with certain friends has changed the way you act or that listening to specific music begins to shift the way you think about things. Because what we consume has such a great impact, when we choose to consume Jesus through His Word every day, it totally affects who we are, what we talk like and how we treat others.
In the same way that the Israelites saw the glory of God on Moses’ face because he had spent so much time with God, can people see the glory of God in your life because you spend so much time with him? Is there something so specific, unique and different about the way you talk, the way you treat others, the way you handle conflict or drama or the way you love others that people can see Jesus through your life?
Questions to consider.
Who is someone that when you look at their life, you clearly see Jesus?
Do you think people see Jesus in your life? Why or why not?
Ask God to give you a hunger to know Him more, a desire to read the Bible and strengthen your relationship with Him
Even though Moses wasn’t perfect, he was a man that genuinely feared God. He honored God and sought after Him with his whole life, even when the Israelites got it wrong so often. There is much to be learned from Moses’ life and today, we get a glimpse into his relationship with God. A relationship that was separate from the way any of the other Israelites interacted with God. He had chosen Moses to be a mouthpiece for Him and to intercede between Him and the Israelites, and while that role carried a huge burden and responsibility, it also carried the blessing of knowing and speaking with God in a deeper and more intimate way than the other Israelites.
Exodus 34:29
“When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord.”
Moses had spent so much time on Mount Sinai with God that as he came down, he was literally glowing…verse 29 tells us that his face was radiant. So radiant in fact, that the other Israelites were terrified of Moses. Can you even imagine what that would have looked like? To spend so much time with God that as you walk away, His glory is radiating off your face in such a way that other people fear you.
There is a great reminder of how important it is for you to spend time with Jesus every day. We are always consuming something, from music, to movies, opinions from others around us, and so much more. These things are always directing who you are becoming. Maybe you’ve noticed that hanging out with certain friends has changed the way you act or that listening to specific music begins to shift the way you think about things. Because what we consume has such a great impact, when we choose to consume Jesus through His Word every day, it totally affects who we are, what we talk like and how we treat others.
In the same way that the Israelites saw the glory of God on Moses’ face because he had spent so much time with God, can people see the glory of God in your life because you spend so much time with him? Is there something so specific, unique and different about the way you talk, the way you treat others, the way you handle conflict or drama or the way you love others that people can see Jesus through your life?
Questions to consider.
Who is someone that when you look at their life, you clearly see Jesus?
Do you think people see Jesus in your life? Why or why not?
Ask God to give you a hunger to know Him more, a desire to read the Bible and strengthen your relationship with Him