Exodus Week 7 Day 35

Read Exodus 40:34-38

In Exodus 40, God takes 34 verses to tell Moses how to prepare the tabernacle for worship and Moses follows God’s instructions exactly. But what about us? Thousands of years after Moses and the tabernacle, worship remains a command, not a suggestion. So how do we prepare our hearts for worship?

Here are five ways we can prepare for worship:
1. Pray that God will open our hearts to hear Him.
2. Think about what Jesus has done for us through His sacrifice on the cross.
3. Praise Jesus for our salvation and for the freedom to worship when and where we choose.
4. Present our tithes and offerings in response to God’s grace on our lives and to further the work of the church.
5. Prepare to share what we have learned with the world, teaching others to follow Jesus step by step.

When Moses’ work was done, a cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle (Exodus 40:34). Israel had never experienced the presence of God like this before. When we prepare our hearts for worship, the same happens for us.

When we prepare our hearts for worship, the glory of the Lord doesn’t just fill the church. It fills our hearts as well.

It is often hard to concentrate on God when the world and its cares try to take first place in our hearts. What gets in the way of your ability to focus on God and hear what He says?

What can you do to prepare your heart for worship?

What times stand out in your mind as “best worship” experiences?