Exodus Week 7 Day 32

Read Exodus 35:30-35

If someone was to ask you what your talents are, what would you say? Would you tell them that you love to draw, or you are a very good public speaker, maybe even that you are such an encouraging person. What would you say if I told you that God wants to use each of those talents for the building of His Kingdom!

In Exodus 35, we see Moses call a man named Bezalel that was an artist, and ask him to build together things that would dwell in the tabernacle. Scripture says that God gave him the wisdom to do all these things in such a beautiful manner. Exodus 35:31 “and He has filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills—” His skills were needed to literally fill the place in which the Spirit of God would dwell among them.

Sometimes we can get to thinking that there is no way our talents can be used to share the gospel all throughout the world. That social media, graphic design, or athleticism can’t be used to spread the gospel like preaching can. Paul tells us that every gift, is a gift of God, used to do His good work. (1 Corinthians 12:4-6)

Your skills and talents can be used to further the name of Jesus. Instead of building a tabernacle, we are in the midst of building the Church, and spreading the Gospel of Jesus, who lived a perfect life, and died a death He did not deserve, all for our own salvation. So, the next time you feel like your talents carry no value, know that God gives everyone a talent, skill, or gift to be used for the purpose of the whole world knowing the name of Jesus.

What is a specific gift, ability or talent that you have?

Have you ever felt like that talent or gift isn’t as important as gifts that other Christians might have? Why or why not?

How can you use that gift to help others hear the gospel? If you don’t know, ask your breakout leader where in the church you could serve.