Exodus Week 4 Day 16

Read Exodus 16: 1-5

Listen, we have all been there. The prayer before the test, the date, or the conservation with our Mom. “God I need you to pull through for me this time, if you see me or hear me, do this for me”. What if I tell you that the Israelites were in the same boat as we were, even if they didn’t need to figure out the slope of an equation or talk to their crush for the first time.

In Exodus 16, we catch a glimpse of their journey. These people are hungry, they are thinking about the food back in Egypt and even tell Moses that He must be trying to kill them if he brought them out of Egypt and now they have no food. Exodus 16:3 says “The Israelites said to them, “If only we had died by the Lord’s hand in Egypt! There we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted, but you have brought us out into this desert to starve this entire assembly to death.”

They were desperate for the Lord to provide food for them, and the Lord heard their requests. He sent manna, which is a bread from heaven. God heard the cry of His people and provided for them. Each day, they would go out and collect enough manna for the rest of the day.

Our God listens to us. He knows our needs and deepest desires. Now, I’m not saying that if you pray to pass the test you will, or if you pray to date that person they will all of a sudden have feelings for you. There were moments where the Israelites got tired of eating bread everyday. They didn’t always get what they wanted, but they always got what they needed. You have a God that has the ability to meet your needs, so you can bring all things to Him in prayer. Our God is a Way Maker, Provider, and Promise Keeper.

What are some wants in your life right now? What are some needs that you have?

How have you seen God provide for you in the past? Friends? Strength to continue on through a hard season of life? The comfort of the Holy Spirit?

God has met your greatest need, wiping away the sin that separated you from Him through the death and resurrection of His son Jesus Christ. Take a few moments and thank God in prayer for His son Jesus.